Inspire child-like enthusiasm for learning science in our students . . .
For Those Ready To . . .
Science Curriculum Resources
Support for Homeschooling
and Classroom Teaching
Together, let’s. . .
empower inquisitive minds
encourage critical thinking
foster connection to the natural world
and support innovative problem solving
“Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.”
~ Socrates

and it starts with Phenomena
and it starts with Phenomena 〰️
. . . and a phenomenal Gift for you!
A Guide to 50+ Scientific
Use the phenomena to generate students’ questions
Use the phenomena as the basis for activities, lessons, and the discovery of answers
(Not sure how? My blogs can help.)
Use Phenomena to Inspire Wonder
This free guide is Coming Soon!
I am a long-time educator, and I have a simple goal. . .
Help educators, whether in the classroom or at home, to inspire wonder and a love of learning science in their students.
How can I help? As a teacher, I loved writing lessons. Often, my car was the last in the parking lot in the evening. I would just lose track of time.
I know, it was kind of crazy. But here I go again - gladly!
Curiosity. Creativity. Awe.
In my lessons, I love helping students dive into mysteries around them and problem solve. My blog posts are packed with handy tips and resources to make teaching and learning enjoyable and impactful.
New on the Blog
More blog posts to come. . . covering topics of interest, like resources for teaching science, boosting teacher wellbeing, and supporting student life.
Opening Soon!
The Lesson Store
Find K-8 science lesson plans
- aligned to NGSS
- with teacher pages & student sheets